AvocadoBroccoliTomatoCarrot CornEggplantFennelGarlicLettuce OnionPickleTurnip ($Vegetables)

ETH Token Contract: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD

$ETHEREUM is the arch-enemy of $BITCOIN. Everyone knows Ethereum is better than Bitcoin, right?? The flippening is coming! With ownership renounced and liquidity burned, our growing community is working hard to spread words and create a meme-tastic environment for everyone. Our goal is to create an ecosystem for active community members to meet, collaborate, and share our rich lore (the archive of our token’s storied history) with the world.

How to buy AvocadoBroccoliTomatoCarrotCorn EggplantFennelGarlicLettuceOnion PickleTurnip

  1. Download and install Metamask
  2. Add ETH to your Metamask
  3. Swap ETH for $ETHEREUM on metamask using either the buy link below or Uniswap
  4. You are done!
  5. Join our telegram and other socials for the latest AvocadoBroccoliTomatoCarrot CornEggplantFennelGarlicLettuce OnionPickleTurnip ($ETHEREUM) news.
